Test ryck!
HejHej, fick lite ryck och gick in på quizilla.com. Här är några test jag gjorde. Ni som känner mig får väl avgöra om dem stämmer eller inte, ni andra...Tja, ni kan väl säga vad ni tycker och checka quizilla.com!
You weren't human in your past life, you were magical. Now that you've been given a human body you enjoy life very much and appreciate people. You have a job to do and that's why you were given a human body. Make sure you make wise decisions.(jag har ingen aning om var bilden kommer ifrån)
Black cat! You're a bit dark but once someone knows you you can be pretty nice. Cool clothes too.
Tja, det var jag det, kanske sätter in fler skumma testresultat nån gång! :P
You weren't human in your past life, you were magical. Now that you've been given a human body you enjoy life very much and appreciate people. You have a job to do and that's why you were given a human body. Make sure you make wise decisions.(jag har ingen aning om var bilden kommer ifrån)
Black cat! You're a bit dark but once someone knows you you can be pretty nice. Cool clothes too.
Tja, det var jag det, kanske sätter in fler skumma testresultat nån gång! :P