Tokio Hotel beroende OCH shoppingrunda!
Vet ni vad? NI ÄR VÄLDIGT DÅLIGA PÅ ATT KOMMENTERA! Men eftersom Tokio Hotel och shopping verkar dra till sig besökare tänkte jag skriva om det.
Igår tillbringade jag minst 3 timmar till att se på Tokio hotel intervjuer. Det var mycker roligt. Så här i efterhand undrar jag vad jag fick ut av det? jovisst, jag vet tex att Bill skolkade på franska lektionerna, att han och Tom hade IG i musik och att hela bandet fick dåliga betyg i skolan bara för att de såg ut på ett alldeles eget sätt.
Idag var jag och min väninna (nahhahhaha, älskar ordet väninna ^^) inne i storstaden. Blandannat på Souk, punktshop (Där jag köpte en brosh med TH märket på :P) Carlings och...Få se... Just ja, vi var inne i Gallerian. Jag köpte ett par vita typ ''halva'' handskar med svarta stjärnor på. Att de är halva, menas med att de bara har hål för tummen och för resten av fingrarna ^^.
Tja, kul var det i alla fall :)
Ännu ett TH inlägg
Ännu ett TH inlägg
Jag tar detta som en myycket bra sak, därför lägger jag här in en link där du kan rösta på Tokio Hotel till mtv europe music awards!
Uppdatering B.Kay!
Bill Kaulitz:
Smeknamn (som han själv vill bli kallad): B.Kay
Favoritfärg: orange
Längd: 1.78-1.80
Vikt: 53 kg
ålder: 18 (10 min yngre än Tom Kaulitz)
Födelsedag: 1 september.
Favoritämnen: Bild, Etik och Tyska.
Hatämnen: Ma och fysik.
Säg till om jag ska lägga till något! ^^
~*~*~*~*Ravenclaw Beauty~*~*~*~*~
Name: Vanessa Delacour
Age: 15
BF: Ron Weasley
Best friends: Cho, Hermione, Ron, Harry.
Rep: The pretty ravenclaw, Rons girl, Ravenclaw beauty.
~*~*~*~*What they think~*~*~*~*~*~*
Harry: Vanessa, shes a great girl and a very pretty girl. Perect for Ron.
Ron:Vanessa is the love of my life. Shes absolutley beautiful. She knows that iused to liked her sister but when I saw Vanessa I fell in love with her. I can't believe shes actually with me.
Hermione: I've kinda gotten over the whole Ron thing shes just to sweet to be mad at and shes a great friend shes really smart to.
Fred: Shes a sweet girl very pretty as well. She good to Ron.
George: Shes a gret girl and everything but shes so pretty its hard to ignore how I feel toward her, but she with Ron.
Ginny: Im soo happy shes with Ron I hope one day they get married so she'll be my sister.
Nevielle: Shes a nice girl real smart to.
Seamus: Yeah Vanessas beautiful.
Oliver: I don't know her very well but she seems very sweet and shes very very pretty.
Draco: Weasleys girl? She shouldn't be with him, shes far to good to be with him, she should be with me.
Blaise: Don't know her to well but shes definetley hot.
Flint: Shes hot.
Cho: Oh Vanessa, I love the girl shes my best friend. But I am a little jealous of how every guy looks at her.
Luna: Shes really smart, she has to be a part veela.
Cedric: Beautiful girl, but I don't know her to well.
***Tri-wiz champs
Fluer Delacour: I love her to death she is my little sister. She is so perfect with Ron.
Viktor Krum: Ive heard a lot a bout her from Hermione she sounds like a cool girl.
Ocerall they think your very brilliant.
Sirius: Im so happy for her and Ron.
Remus: I believe I remeber her, very intellegent girl.
Mrs. Weasley: Im so happy Ronald found a girl like her.
Mr. Weasley: Smart girl, shes made Ronald more responsible.'
Lucius: I've only heard about her from Draco hes told me shes very beautiful.
Narcissa: I don't know her.
Voldemort: sa never heard of you. [[luckily]]
Men i nästa test stod det så här :P
Your house: Ravenclaw
Your guy: Draco
Your rep: Perfect except with a flawed taste in men
BFF: Cho
Harry: She is sooo sweet! I don't know why such a beautiful girl would end up with malfoy!
Ron: I'm bummed... she is bloody hott!
Neville: She is really nice even though she is dating Draco!
Fred: She is such a sweet girl! George is in love with her!
George: WAAAAH! *sobs* why couldn't she be mine?
Hermione: She is very smart! You think she would be smart enought to get another guy besides Draco. She could so so much better!
Ginny: She's cool I can talk to her about anything!
Cho: I LOVE HER!! She is like a sister to me! We can talk about anything!
Cedric: She's hott, but with Draco...
Oliver: She doesn't play quittich? Not my type!
Draco: She is the love of my life! I never thought I could fall for someone as sweet as she was but she is perfect! I want to marry her after we finish school!
Crabbe: She is hott, Draco is lucky
Goyle: She is nice she brings us food!
Pansy: She took Draco, but she deserves him. SHE IS PERFECT!
Luna: She seems kind of fake sometimes...
All of the teacher love you! Especially Snape! You are his prize pupil! Well next to Draco ofcourse.
haha, skumt eller hur? nånting säger mig att inte lita för mycket på test...
Test ryck!
You weren't human in your past life, you were magical. Now that you've been given a human body you enjoy life very much and appreciate people. You have a job to do and that's why you were given a human body. Make sure you make wise decisions.(jag har ingen aning om var bilden kommer ifrån)
Black cat! You're a bit dark but once someone knows you you can be pretty nice. Cool clothes too.
Tja, det var jag det, kanske sätter in fler skumma testresultat nån gång! :P
Jahapp, titta på, teckningen är gjord av min fiiiina och snälla kompis Alexandra, Jag har färglagt den X)
Förlåt Alex.
Jag ska sätta in orginalet någon gång, var inte meningen att förstöra din teckning. XD
sims, alla, bilder, musik mm.
Finns det något att leva för längre?
Tror inte det, någon som vet en bra bro?